Technical Information


TS EN 62305-1 Protection against Lightning Standard

Part 1: General Principles

This standard provides the general principles to be followed for the protection of structures against lightning, including their installations and contents, as well as persons and services connected to the structures.

TS EN 62305-2 Protection against Lightning Standard

Part 2: Risk Management

This standard covers the assessment of risks to structures or services caused by lightning flashes to the ground. The purpose of the standard is to provide a procedure for the assessment of such risks. The procedure enables suitable protection precautions to be chosen in order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level or below once the acceptable upper limit is identified for the risk.

TS EN 62305-3 Protection against Lightning

Part 3: Physical Damage to Structures and Life Hazard

This standard provides the requirements for the protection of a structure against physical damage by means of a lightning protection system, and for protection against injury to living beings due to touch and step voltages in the vicinity of a lightning protection system.

TS EN 62305-4 Protection against Lightning

Part 4: Electrical and Electronic Systems within Structures

This standard provides information for the design, installation, inspection, maintenance and testing of electrical and electronic system protection (SPM) to reduce the risk of permanent failures due to lightning electromagnetic impulse (LEMP) within a structure.

TS EN 62561-1 Lightning Protection System Components

Part 1: Requirements for Connection Components

This standard includes the requirements and tests for metallic connection components that form part of a lightning protection system, such as connectors, bonding and bridging components, expansion pieces and test joints.

TS EN 62561-2 Lightning Protection System Components

Part 2: Requirements for Conductors and Earth Electrodes

This standard specifies the requirements and tests for 1) metallic conductors (other than “natural” conductors) that form part of the lightning attractor system and down conductors and 2) metallic earth electrodes that form part of the grounding system.

TS 13709 Protection against Lightning - Active Conductor Rods

This standard covers active conductor rods used to protect facilities and open areas against direct lightning impact in lightning protection systems.

TS ISO 10134 Small Craft

Electrical Devices - Lightning Protection

This standard establishes guidelines for the design, construction and installation of lightning protection systems fitted on small craft with a hull length up to 24m.

NFC 17-102

This is the French standard based on E.S.E. active systems related to lightning protection systems. It is the most common international conductor rod installation standard used in our country and many parts of the world.


This is the name of the standard that includes American lightning protection principles of the National Fire Protection Association. It is based on passive systems, also known as standard cage systems.

Lightning Protection Regulation

This regulation covers the provisions on the safe design, installation, operation and auditing of lightning protection installations of constructions in terms of safety of life and property.

Grounding Regulation

This regulation principally covers the provisions on the safe installation, operation, and auditing of grounding systems related to alternative current and direct current electrical installations with a frequency below 100Hz, in terms of safety of life and property.