What is Lightning? Why does it strike? How to Avoid Lightning?
Lightning is a high-voltage electrical discharge that occurs between the cloud and the ground.
Lightning strikes due to the potential difference between the clouds and the earth.
Due to the static electric charge difference between the earth and the sky, sudden charge discharge causes lightning strikes.
The formation process of lightning:
1. Cloud Formation: Rising air movements cause condensation of water vapour and the formation of clouds.
2. Static Charge: As water droplets or ice crystals in the rising air grow, they gain electrical charges as a result of friction and collisions, and negative charges accumulate. This process creates a distinction between a positive charge at the top of the cloud and a negative charge at the bottom.
3. Charging on the earth's surface: Electric charging also occurs on the earth's surface. This usually occurs when a certain part of the earth's surface is positively charged and another part is negatively charged.
4. Formation of an electric field: A strong electric field is formed between the positively and negatively charged regions.
5. Lightning Discharge: As a result of the intensification of the electric field, a lightning discharge occurs and the lightning strikes the ground, usually following the shortest path
How to Protect from Lightning?
Lightning rods should be used in high buildings and structures (such as minarets).
Avoid high objects such as trees, flags and telephone poles in weather with lightning risk.
Metallic objects should be avoided, but since the tyres of automobiles are insulating, the inside of the car is a safe place.
If you are in open terrain, sit crouching on the ground, never lie down.
If you are on water, try to get ashore immediately.
Do not use items containing sharp metal such as umbrellas.
Do not stand in groups in open areas.
Unplug electrical appliances and do not use them as much as possible.